Category Archives: Resources

Weekend Permaculture Design Course in Michigan

Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in Hastings, MI is offering a weekend workshop based, year long Permaculture Design Course. The first class is January 21 and will cover the Principles of Natural Systems and Design. The course will be taught by Western Michigan University Office for Sustainability Permaculture Coordinator Josh Shultz.

The weekend format is built on independent workshops. This format allows  easier scheduling for individuals with work, budget, and other commitments. It can also allow those interested in specific topics to participate without committing to an entire design course. The extended format also allows for visits to field sites throughout the year, focusing on seasonally appropriate topics.

The first workshop serves as an overview of Permaculture concepts. It runs Saturday and Sunday, January 21 and 22 from 9 am to 4 pm each day. Cost is $200 for members $200 and $220 for non-Members.

For more information can be found at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute



Resources & Notes for Off-Grid Living

During my time this summer at Two Fish Farms,  the alternative energy system was not fully installed (a windmill and second solar array are now up and running), so all power use had to be very carefully managed. Irrigation was the primary power draw, and ensuring the pressure tank remained pressurized without stressing the batteries was key. Continue reading

Resources updated

The Resources page has been updated with new links. It now includes info on gardening, medicinal and poisonous plats for livestock, and more. Also made a few tweaks here and there.

Hope things go well at the Michigan Permaculture Convergence this weekend. I’m committed to an annual buffalo roundup, but have some friends and family attending.

Resources updated

I have added a few new links to the Resources page.

And I have a guest post up at twofishfarmer, focusing on the existing landscape plants on the property.

Two Fish and Triskele Farms

Two affiliated projects have updated info to share.

Two Fish Farms in Bear Lake, MI is making great progress with the schoolhouse remodel and has made a long-awaited blog post with photos.

Triskele Farms is a newly germinating urban farm project in Lansing, MI.  I will be assisting my sister with the development of this farm.  She is currently working to get approval for a small milk goat herd in the city.

Detroit Urban Farming

A lot has been going on in Detroit to develop urban farming and gardening projects, and the city is moving forward on making things easier.  The freep reports the Detroit City Council will be voting on a new urban agriculture zoning ordinance in early 2013.  The new zoning is expected to pass, and should significantly enhance opportunities for existing and new urban farm developments.

Detroit Agriculture and Open Space is a great site for connecting with the city’s various urban farming and gardening projects.

Lansing Area Sustainable Farming Resources

My sister will soon be living in Lansing, Michigan, so she has been looking into  inspiring projects going on in the area and local resources.  Coming soon, Triskele Farm, her two-lot urban educational farm project that I will be consulting on. Continue reading